Resistance Architecture, Sweetwater Foundation, Project Fielding, 2018
Designed and built by Project Fielding teachers and participants – Resistance Architecture is an adaptable structure intended for political encampment that was designed to fulfill the needs of long-term protesters. In recognition of a political climate which demands sustained resistance, Project Fielding led a design build workshop in February 2017 to create these two structures. This physically adaptive structure functions in two positions: open and in lockdown. When in lockdown, the structure serves as a locker or a safe. When open, the structure is a spacious and ready to use shelter. Project Fielding is honored to have Resistance Architecture present at The Sweetwater Foundation, where the structure was adapted for use as a shed and greenhouse on their urban farm. The Sweet Water Foundation uses “urban agriculture, art, and education to transform vacant spaces and abandoned buildings into economically and ecologically productive and sustainable community assets.”