Left Luggage, 2007
Gallery 400, Chicago, IL
Left Luggage was our contribution to the exhibition Pathogeographies: Other People’s Baggage, organized by Feeltank Chicago at Gallery 400. Using packing crates that are themselves left luggage, from the MCA’s Massive Change exhibition, Material Exchange designed the Left Luggage installation on the model of a baggage check. It houses, circulates, and provides a viewing space for Other People’s Baggage. Left Luggage evokes security and insecurity, travel and transport, secrets and stories.Baggage collected here includes suitcases, bags, and containers produced by artists and activists. The installation invited gallery visitors to view, check out, and manipulate items found there, take them out for a spin—in some cases, take something away with you. The suitcases might excite your outrage, soothe your depression, entertain your anxieties, or pique your politics.An inspection area provided space for viewing. Detailed project descriptions and instructions for checking out each projects were made available in the card catalogue.