Wockenklausur Sitting Room, 2005
Beyond Green: Toward a Sustainable Art, Smart Museum, Chicago, IL
Featured in the exhibition Beyond Green: Toward a Sustainable Art, the pictured benches and table were designed and built by Material Exchange, at that time comprised of artists Sara Black and John Preus, using exhibition by-products from the Smart Museum of Art. The materials used in the design include 2x4s, plexiglass, and moving blankets, all of which were to be discarded after de-installation of a recent exhibition. The designed objects were a means of presenting the work by Wochenklausur that was made while in residence in Chicago.
Sara was a participant/collaborator during the Wochenklausur residency at the Smart Museum of Art and the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Chicago. Their project was entitled, “Furnishing Social Institutions.” Material Exchange was formed during this residency as a way of continuing such work in Chicago. Information can be found at the Wochenklausur project website: Furnishing Social Institutions by Wochenklausur